Monday, February 20, 2012

Going Green With Eco-Friendly Products - Buy Products Made From Renewable Resources

You should be able to find several indispensable facts about products bamboo tableware renewable in the following paragraphs. If there's at least one fact you didn't know before, imagine the difference it might make.

Knowledge can give you a real advantage. To make sure you're fully informed about products bamboo tableware renewable, keep reading.

Going Green is not just a trend. It's a priority for all of us if we want to continue to live on a beautiful, life-giving planet. Thinking of ways of going green, however, is not always easy. Just because we buy organic food and recycle doesn't necessarily mean we're making much of a practical impact. We need to have a whole plan for Going Green. One element in that plan should be buying eco-friendly products. But how do we find eco-friendly products? Well, one way is to buy products made from renewable resources.

Buying products made from renewable resources should be a priority for each of us when going green. These types of eco-friendly products insure that we don't use earth's resources too quickly. We need to let our planet replenish it's natural resources at the same rate as we are consuming them.

So, what are good eco-friendly products- products made from renewable resources?

Here's a list of 10 types of products made from renewable resources:

1. Paper products- while these should be used sparingly, they are better than plastic in that they are biodegradable and come from renewable trees
2. Cotton products
3. Spudware- biodegradable cutlery made from potatoes, corn, and soy oils
4. Solar energy- solar panels on your house, solar battery chargers, etc.
5. Bio-based tableware- for example, plates and bowls made by Earthshell
6. Bamboo products- bamboo furniture, bamboo cotton clothes, etc. (a good alternative to other tree products, as bamboo is highly renewable because of it's fast rate of growth)
7. Digital products- Highly reproducible, long-lasting, only needing the support of electricity
8. Wind energy- support wind energy development in your city, county, and state; consider getting electricity from wind power at your home.
9. Bio-based fuels- while not always the most sustainable option, they are renewable
10. Plant-based cleaners- great products made from renewable resources to help you in going green and healthier for your body

Here are 5 products not made from renewable resources that should be avoided:

1. Plastics- while renewable plastics are being researched, currently plastics are made from petroleum a non-renewable resource
2. Many paper cups and plates- while the paper is renewable, the plastic coating is from petroleum and makes the product take about 500 years to biodegrade
3. Wood in furniture or other products from old-growth rainforests- while these are technically renewable, the amount of carbon released into the environment and the incredibly slow rate at which they replenish themselves makes them for all practical purposes non-renewable and definitely not eco-friendly products.
4. Energy from oil and coal- gasoline products and coal-based energy are highly non-renewable; unfortunately, much of our electricity currently comes from coal. Consider the switch to solar or wind energy in your home as your first big step in going green.
5. Metals

So continue on the path to going green by changing your purchasing habits. Decide to buy products made from renewable resources.

Now you can understand why there's a growing interest in products bamboo tableware renewable. When people start looking for more information about products bamboo tableware renewable, you'll be in a position to meet their needs.


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